Instruction Manuals

Instruction manuals for VC02SW

Product data sheets

Technical data sheet including dimensions for our meter box switch.
Product data sheets for VC02SW
Technical data sheet including dimensions for our meter box switch.

EU Declarations of conformity

EU Declaration of conformity for VC02SW

Catalogue pages (automatic pdf)

Meter Box Switch
Catalogue page for Meter Box Switch
Meter Box Switch

Catalogue chapters (automatic pdf)

Meter Box
Catalogue chapter for Meter Box
Meter Box

Technical brochure

<b>Simple and Safe De-energisation</b><br />The meter box switch is ideal for the convenient and safe de-energisation of a domestic property's electrical supply. It is the perfect way to isolate the electrical supply to a property before the consumer unit.
Meter Box Switch
Simple and Safe De-energisation
The meter box switch is ideal for the convenient and safe de-energisation of a domestic property's electrical supply. It is the perfect way to isolate the electrical supply to a property before the consumer unit.
Data is subject to errors and technical modifications.